速報APP / 健康塑身 / Myasthenia Symptom Tracker for Tablets

Myasthenia Symptom Tracker for Tablets





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Myasthenia Symptom Tracker for Tablets(圖1)-速報App

As a sufferer of Myasthenia Gravis, I found that the tools available to track my symptoms were too generic to be able to give my doctors the info they needed.

Myasthenia Symptom Tracker was designed to track the specific areas of symptom flare that can vary day by day, where trends in these symptoms can be very informative for the attending physician.

You can choose the rating level you are experiencing for that day and write any comments you have for how your day went. In an effort to make the data as useful as possible, there is a checkbox on the symptom page to mark that date as having info important to discuss with your doctor. There is an export page that will let you save the results in an email or spreadsheet. This data can be complete, or filtered on "Important to discuss". You can also re-import your data in the event you get a new phone or need to do a factory reset.

For immediate viewing of trends in ratings and other data input, graphing of the results is included. Views are available for 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 1 Month and 3 Months.

For those people that have difficulty breathing as a result of their MG, there is also a “Single Breath Count” tracker built in.

In the event of an emergency where the user may not be able to speak, an Emergency Information page has been added to supplement the standard info that would be on a Medical ID bracelet. For the Phone Version there is an Emergency Notify button that automatically calls and texts the primary emergency contact to let them know you are in trouble and where you are. When this button is pressed, a message to First Responders is shown to help them with some of the unique aspects of our condition. See screenshot for more information. Since tablets typically don't have the ability to call or text, this function is limited to the First Responder Message.

This emergency page also contains a section at the bottom to allow for the patient or caregiver to organize their thoughts in order to give “the bullet” to an ER triage nurse or other medical professional. It uses the commonly used SBAR format. Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendations.

Since MG is a “Snowflake Disease” and presents differently in each person, the app provides the allowance to select only those symptoms that you want to track and rate:

-Swallow Strength

-Neck Strength

-Cheek soreness/strength

-Breathing impact

-Extremity strength


-Altered Speech

-Lip Closure Strength

-Fatigue impact



Myasthenia Symptom Tracker for Tablets(圖2)-速報App

The app also allows you to track the most common oral medications used for MG:


-Mestinon (dose defaults to 60mg but can be adjusted in Utilities)

-180mg ER Mestinon


-Percent Body Fat

-Daily Steps

-Sleep Hours

-Blood Pressure

-Peak Flow Reading (Breathing)

Selection boxes are also provided to indicate if you have experienced some of the other symptoms that don’t really lend themselves to rating:



-Facial Tingling

-Nasal Regurgitation

-Throat Residue Issues

-Sore Throat

-Double Vision

Since most neurologists also use either the MG Quality of Life survey or the MG Activities of Daily Life (ADL) to keep tabs on how patients are doing, the app incorporates both of these surveys and provides the capability to export the results to an email or to a spreadsheet.

Myasthenia Symptom Tracker for Tablets(圖3)-速報App

There is also a page that lists the pertinent information about drugs that are contraindicated for people with MG so you can easily check on new prescriptions while you are still with your doctor and potentially ask for a substitute if necessary.

Myasthenia Symptom Tracker for Tablets(圖4)-速報App